Fuel System Service & Repair in Cloverdale
“Our goal is to offer a 5-star experience on a consistent basis”
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We are located in Langley | Surrey since 1989 but many clients come in from all over the Lower Mainland and Greater Vancouver area
Fuel Injection Flush
From the first time your engine is started, dirt, carbon deposits and varnishes are formed in your vehicle’s fuel systems, on the intake valves, and in the combustion chamber areas. The injectors – particularly the injector nozzles – exist in an environment where tremendous heat is generated. The burning of the fuel leaves hardened carbon deposits on piston valves and fuel injector nozzle heads that interfere with the spray pattern and flow of fuel.
Spray patterns change due to varnishes and contaminates from the engine side of the injector adhering to the injector pintle effectively obstructing the path of the injected fuel.
Here are some symptoms that are caused by carbon buildup:
•Engine pinging.
•Poor acceleration.
•Hesitation or lurching.
•Lack of or poor performance.
•Repeated stalling.
•Rough idle.
•Poor fuel mileage.
•Saves you money – improves fuel mileage and heads off costly repairs.
•Reduces the risk of breakdowns.
•Contributes to the overall performance of your vehicle.
•Reduces air pollution.
•Increases safety and dependability.
•Prevents you from voiding your warranty
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Who are Dale's Auto Service
Over the last 40+ years in business, our commitment to quality has helped us maintain the highest level of customer service and technical excellence.
You, the customer, are the most important component of our business.
Our team is consistently trying to meet and exceed the demands and needs of our customers.
Thank-you to all of our current and past customers!