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Interval Maintenance Service & Repair Dales Auto Service

Oil Change Service Near You

“Our goal is to offer a 5-star experience on a consistent basis”

Some people demand synthetic oil in their engines, some people don’t know if it’s a good idea.

Some people think synthetic oil can damage their engine.  Plain and simple, synthetic motor oil is better.

Why is it better? Here’s why:

Conventional lubricants are refined from crude oil. Contaminating elements such as sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and metal components.

The oil refining process separates the various types of molecules in the oil by weight, leaving molecules similar in weight but dissimilar in structure.

Synthetic lubricants, on the other hand, are chemically engineered to form pure lubricants.

Synthetic lubricants contain no contaminants or molecules that don’t serve a designed purpose.

In addition, their smooth, uniform lubricating molecules slip easily across one another.

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Who are Dale's Auto Service?

Over the last 40+ years in business, Dale’s commitment to quality has helped us maintain the highest level of customer service and technical excellence.

You, the customer, are the most important component of any business.

Our team is consistently trying to meet and exceed the demands and needs of each and everyone.